The Amethyst Biomat is an FDA-licensed medical device that combines state-of-the-art Far Infrared light, Negative Ion technology, and the healing power of Amethyst crystals. I use the Amethyst Biomat Professional every day in my massage practice to deepen my clients’ healing. I also use the Amethyst Biomat to support my health at home.
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- Benefits of the Amethyst Biomat
- Far Infrared
- Negative Ions
- Amethyst Crystals
- Is the Amethyst Biomat safe?
- Book Your Amethyst Biomat Session in Tallahassee
- Purchase Your Amethyst Biomat
General Information About the Amethyst Biomat
The Amethyst Biomat is a revolutionary healing tool. It’s ideal for health care professionals and anyone invested in improving overall health and wellbeing. The Amethyst Biomat delivers reliable therapeutic results in your home or in a professional setting. As you read on, I’ll describe the science and show the tests that illustrate how it works and why many have experienced great benefits from far infrared and negative ion technology.
In a nutshell, the Biomat’s technology provides relief and speeds the repair and regeneration of muscles and tendons, regulates the body’s immune, endocrine, lymphatic, and nervous system to improve overall well being.
Benefits of the Amethyst Biomat:
- improved circulation and cardiovascular function
- increased metabolism
- easing joint pain and stiffness
- stress and fatigue reduction
- improved skin health
- pain relief
- overall feeling of balance
Many insurance companies consider the use of the Biomat a viable treatment option for pain and other musculoskeletal ailments. The Biomat is approved by the FDA as an over-the-counter medical device.
The Biomat delivers the benefits of a Far Infrared sauna at a fraction of the cost. In addition to Far Infrared, this unique device also generates 6.8 microns of Medium “Human” Infrared. Human Infrared normalizes glandular functions and other important physiological functions, according to NASA research. This human infrared feature makes the Amethyst Biomat different from any other infrared device on the market.
Learn More About the Amethyst Biomat
What is Far Infrared?

Far infrared light is the frequency of invisible light that is generated naturally by the sun and the same form of heat emitted by your own body. The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from radio waves and microwaves (wavelengths longer than visible light) to Gamma rays, X-rays, and UV rays (wavelengths shorter than visible light). Whereas prolonged exposure to these wavelengths can cause damage, Infrared light is in the perfect “safe zone” with wavelengths that are not harmful to the human body.

Although Infrared energy is invisible to the eye, we can see its effect by its heat signature. Hotter objects are shown as warmer tones (cat) and cooler objects are shown as cooler tones (paws, floor, wall).
What are the health benefits of Far Infrared Rays?
Far Infrared Rays Increase Blood Flow, Oxygen, and Nutrients to All Cells in Your Body

Far Infrared Rays Effect Hormonal Balance of the Body
Dr. George Brainard found that light affects the hormonal balance of the body, in the levels of melatonin, prolactin, cortisone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones, and that light is essential to the functioning of our entire endocrine system. Far Infrared Rays promote vasodilation, bringing nutrients and oxygen to soft tissue regions, stimulating the removal of toxins, and decreasing inflammation and edema from the soft tissue. Detoxification strengthens the immune system, revitalizes skin tone, and helps normalize eczema and acne. Additionally, far infrared rays help reduce muscle spasm through heat, and reduce swelling, inflammation, and soreness through direct action on both free nerve endings and peripheral nerves. Other benefits include improving the balance of the blood pressure and blood sugar.
Far Infrared Rays and Weight Loss
The Amethyst Biomat is perfect for those who are disabled or not well enough to get the daily exercise needed to stay healthy. It assists the cardiovascular system by enhancing circulation as exercise would. Like exercise, the Amethyst Biomat supports the healthy detoxification process of perspiration. Perspiring is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardio output, and metabolic rate. This process requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt, and subcutaneous fat. Fat becomes water soluble at 110 degrees Fahrenheit, and the body sweats out fats and toxins.
How Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are Generated through the Biomat
The method of generating Far Infrared Rays (FIR) through the Biomat is accomplished by sending pulses of energy (DC-Current) through a carbon ceramic material called the Japanese Kurera's Super Fiber. As the (FIR) passes through the Amethyst crystals, the crystals emit Long Wave Far Infrared Rays (8-12 microns) that penetrate 6-8 inches deep through the body. Therefore, the rays not only benefit the muscles on the surface of the body, but also all the cells, including blood vessels, lymph glands, and nerves in the deepest parts of the body.
Ions are electrically charged atoms or group of atoms formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons. Negative Negative ions are produced in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, moving air and water.
What are Negative Ions and where do they come from?
Ions are electrically charged atoms or group of atoms formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons. Negative ions (anions) are created by the gain of an electron and positive ions (cations) are created by the loss of an electron. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last walked on the beach or through a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these majestic settings, the air circulating in the mountains and the ocean contains tens of thousands of negative ions. At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, if you are on the freeway or in your office, you will experience under 100 negative ions or maybe even none.

How are Negative Ions created in the Biomat?
The Biomat features the Kurera Super Fiber from Japan. When the Kurera Super Fibers interact with DC energy, the potential field surrounding the material is converted into a negatively charged field. When 1000 volts of electricity are slowed down and converted into DC energy, the Kurera Super Fiber generates a discharge of Negative Ions into the air and converts positive ions into negative ions inside the body. When 600-1000 volts of negative potential is applied to your body, it causes more calcium and sodium minerals to circulate in your bloodstream. This process changes an acidified body to an alkaline body.
Although it uses a high voltage, there is no danger because there are layers of materials that filter out the EMF . This device is sometimes called a static electric treatment or high potential device.
The above test results shows the amount of negative ions (anions) detected from the Biomat®.
Every unit on the test consists of 102 ions/cc (ions per cubic centimeter). The reading shows 3,236 anions per unit volume, multiplied by 102 = 330,072 ions/cc (anions per cubic centimeter).
Why are they called Negative Ions?
Negative ions have a positive effect on people. Positive ions have a negative effect on people. An atom that has one of its normal orbiting electrons removed is called a positive ion. An atom with an extra electron added is called a negative ion. So you see, it's kind of backwards - the terms "negative" and "positive" are actually reversed. It's a misnomer that we can thank Benjamin Franklin for. Back in his time, electrons (with a "negative" charge) and atoms were not understood correctly. So we're stuck in the 18th century terminology, and that is why they are called "negative ions."
How do the Negative Ions affect the cells?
The human body consists of billions of cells, and each is enclosed by a cell membrane. This cell membrane performs many important roles, and some of these are absorbing nutrients, vitamins, hydration, and minerals. The cell membrane is also responsible for eliminating acidic waste material and toxins. When the amount of ions in the blood is increased, the function of the cell is activated. When there are more positive ions, the cell membranes close and the cell's ability to absorb nutrition and eliminate toxins is disabled. Through research done by Dr. Tim Tanaka in Japan, it was discovered that when ionization is introduced, the ions in calcium and natrium (salt) in the blood increases, and the blood is purified. The blood then becomes more alkaline. Why is that important? Well for one, cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment.
Health Benefits Of Negative Ion Exposure
- Complete rejuvenation of the cell channels.
- Relaxing to the autonomic nervous system, restoring innate healing systems.
- Acidic blood becomes more alkaline, which cleans the blood.
- Allergy/Asthma/Emphysema conditions relieved through the dilation of bronchioles.
- Charges the immune system.
- Relieves pinched and stressed nerves.
- Supplies cells with a negative charge, creating a defense against toxins (which are positively charged).
- They are nature's antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals in the body.
- Ionization recharges the human energy field with the exhilarating force of an ocean wave splashing the shore.
The Biomat is further enhanced with amethyst crystals, known for their calming and healing effects. Amethyst crystal healing powers that can be characterized as purifying and pacifying. Amethyst naturally produces far infrared rays. These rays revitalize the biological function of our cells so it’s no wonder that Amethyst has been called “nature’s tranquilizer” by many health practitioners because of its effectiveness in relaxing not only the mind, but also the nervous system.
Amethyst Waveforms Viewed Through Spectral Analysis
The Amethyst Effect was scientifically demonstrated through spectral analysis, which demonstrated a change in infrared light when refracted through amethyst crystals. Scientists experimented with passing far infrared rays through a variety of substances, including various gems, glasses, and plastics. Amethyst was found to be the only substance which clearly changed the spectrum of infrared light. Waveforms mimicked patterns similar to the human voice, according to scientists. While no theory has been proposed regarding the Amethyst Effect, scientists in Asia hypothesize that the infrared light passed through the amethyst releases over 20 million years of information which is made available to the human body for healing purposes.
Amethyst Organizes Light Patterns as Viewed Through Far Infrared Crystallography
The field of Far Infrared Crystallography explains this effect in further detail. Far Infrared Rays refracted through amethyst crystals organize the light into geometrical patterns with higher bio-compatibility. Korean researchers propose that the addition of amethyst in the Biomat allows for greater increase in the utilization of the beneficial far infrared light by the human organism.
Key Benefits of Amethyst Crystal
- Balances and stabilizes energies
- Calms emotions and stress
- Relieves posture, bone, and joint ailments
- Aids sleep problems and insomnia
- Helps heal the central nervous system and neuralgia
The Far Infrared Value of Amethyst
Here are some tests that confirm the far infrared value of amethyst. The graph below is a measure of amethyst's emissivity, which is its ability to emit thermal energy. Test values range between 0 (perfect reflector) to 1.0 (perfect emitter). Amethyst has an emissivity value near 1, demonstrating that it emits thermal energy well.

This next report shows how the amethyst used in our Amethyst Biomat emits mid and far infrared energy with high efficiency when heated. The concentrations of heat are around 6-8 (mid) to 10-14 (far) microns. This mixture of mid and far infrared rays allows for even and deep penetration of heat into your body.

Is The Amethyst Biomat Safe?
17 Layers of Technology Engineered to Protect the body from harmful Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF)

The Richway Amethyst Biomat is the original biomat, with 17 layers of technology engineered to filter out EMF (electric frequencies) so you can rest on it for hours with no adverse effects... just gentle and deeply nourishing far infrared heat, natural negative ions and Amethyst crystals that contribute to your overall health and nervous system regulation. Great for pets, kids, elders and every member of the family.

The Amethyst Biomat Protects the body from Harmful AC Current by Converting it to DC
Traditional infrared saunas and devices use 120 volts of AC (alternating current). Prolonged exposure to AC current has been proven to be highly detrimental to human health and it disturbs the human biological field. The Biomat protects the body from harmful AC current with its 5-tiered buffering system that converts AC current into DC (direct current) which is bio-electrically compatible with the human body.
Safe to Rest on for Hours
Amethyst Biomat is available in Full, Queen, and King size beds, professional massage tables, and mini biomats for on-the-go.
Since the Amethyst Biomat filters out the EMF and converts the AC to DC current, you can rest on it for hours with no adverse effects... just gentle and deeply nourishing far infrared heat, natural negative ions and Amethyst crystals that contribute to your overall health and nervous system regulation.
Great for pets, kids, elders and every member of the family.
Book Your Amethyst Biomat Session
If you’re in Tallahassee, Florida you can try out the Amethyst Biomat at my office.
Add the Biomat on to any massage/bodywork session or book an Amethyst Biomat Session by itself:
Purchase Your Own Richway Amethyst Biomat
Order an Amethyst Biomat for Your Home or Practice: