I want to share with you my deepest motivation in offering Tongen Touch Massage Therapy as I do, to the world. I LOVE to swim in the energy of healing potential, which I experience as DIVINE MOTHER LOVE. This love of the mother, most powerful healing force, is so deeply needed in the world today, and I’m honored to be a channel to express HOW MUCH THE UNIVERSE LOVES YOU! It’s an incredible gift to me also, for when I open my heart to make space for you to receive Presence, non-judgment, pure kindness, I grow my ability to respond to what’s needed to help guide heart-mind-body back into alignment. I’m always learning, refining my awareness, listening and growing. Over the years, I’m becoming more subtle; as I tune IN and bring KINDNESS TOWARDS MYSELF, I see the impact on the world ripples out. In this way, the high bandwidth of mother love I’ve developed to nurture others is more consistent and connected as I deepen my capacity to start from within. Facing my outdated ideas of myself, and really listening to my heart-mind-body, I must admit, I’VE NEEDED SO MUCH DIVINE MOTHER LOVE, and I’m really grateful to say it out loud without shame. I now make decisions that honor my needs for self-love, support, kindness, and giving from a balanced place. It’s my intention to reflect true kindness.
The greatest teachers in my life have been those who’ve reflected back to me my struggles, while helping me to see myself with compassion. The impact of someone simultaneously seeing the parts of me that I’ve judged or tried to hide, and just loving me anyway, is a huge blessing that I’m grateful to share with others daily. Giving & Receiving kindness literally rewires our brainwaves, our neuro-pathways, to fire with more calmness, creates coherence with more healthy ways of thinking, opens our perspectives, and allows for more holistic, attuned solutions.
The next time you experience a difficult situation or find yourself struggling in some way, I invite you to powerfully bring kindness to the opposing tensions by listening with the intention for peaceful resolution. Here is a mantra from the Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild that’s helped me focus my thoughts during difficult conversations, to land in more understanding and ease. I’ve literally repeated it in my head, over and over, as I felt my blood pressure rise with the biological response to threat and challenge. It’s helped “create space” from defensive thinking patterns so I can hear another person, and let their message into my heart (the Great Jade Temple within which Beloved Ma Kuan Yin presides!). We can all use a little more mother kindness energy, right??! Let’s start by inviting it in for ourselves, so it may become a way of relating with those around us. May these words help focus your true desires and intentions while also hearing the true desires and intentions of others. ♡~
“I now call for the peaceful resolution of any situation or struggle that I am involved in, consciously or unconsciously, through the Divine Grace of Beloved Priestess in the Jade Temple, Ma Kuan Yin. May I be a vessel for peace and light in my life. Om Shanti. Let there be peace. Om Pani Padme Hum.”
In my experience, it’s hard to have true space for another’s needs if I’m not consciously acknowledging and deciding to take care of my own. Along these lines, my great need for understanding myself and others is more possible when I take the time to sit in meditation and receive from Infinite Source; I soak in the loving kindness of sensing my breath; I so deeply appreciate the sense of expanded space that helps me to see more perspective. From this more expansive heart space, my ability to hear and share with others increases. So take the time to do what really nurtures you, fills your heart space, and helps you remember the beauty of who you are. Your beauty is expressed as your deepest motivations, what drives you, your highest values. Share your deepest motivations and listen for other’s deepest motivations, and so much becomes possible! We can share together and express the gifts of our own unique beauty. ♡~
More from the the writings of Alana Fairchild:
Kuan Yin, in her Temple of the peaceful Jade, causes all conflict to elevate to higher peaceful resolution. A resolution and healing of any situation that is concerning you is already underway. In fact, you are being asked to begin to feel the relief of that resolution now, so you can more readily receive the divine solution and blessing of peace from the beloved Kuan Yin when it arrives.
Peace does not mean avoiding conflict or pretending that struggle does not exist. Peace is the light that flows when we are able to step above the illusions of separation, competition and conflict, to seek out the consciousness where we are in fact all one in Divine Love and we are all serving the path of light – in our own unique ways – together. The energy of such a high level of genuine consciousness is transformative. It allows us to surrender judgment and to release any need to prove ourselves or our worth to another. Instead we can just live our lives and allow others to do the same with more peace in our hearts. Conflict becomes an opportunity to grow more in inner peace and loving acceptance of all paths, to learn detachment and to trust.
It takes a mature Soul to call in peace because it is not a way to avoid conflict, it is a way to use conflict as a spiritual tool through which to grow and become bigger than the conflict, to make allowance for each being to choose their own way to grow and to call forth the spiritual genius of the divine that is able to provide solutions that can bring peace to all.
May this wisdom of self-compassion drop deep into the core of your awareness and ripple out to create peace and beauty.
EmBody’d Blessings Loves! Tina
“May I be a vessel of Peace and Light in my life.”
Want help tapping into that compassion and feeling connected to yourself, or know someone who does?
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