Cupping Therapy Sessions in Denver and Boulder, CO
Tina at Tongen Touch Massage Therapy provides Cupping Therapy for Detox and Cupping Therapy for Sports Massage and Clinical Massage Therapy in Denver and Boulder, Colorado.
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues and fascia. Cupping Therapy for Sports Massage and Clinical Massage Therapy can stimulate the healing response, revitalize the tissues with blood flow, and help remove toxins for faster recovery.
Cupping helps to remove harmful substances and toxins from the body to promote healing.
As a spa therapy designed to promote body wellness through detoxification, circulatory massage, cupping and lymphatic massage are used to pull toxins from the deeper tissues of the body and circulate out with lymphatic massage. Through detoxification, circulation and stimulation of the healing response, cupping may help the body metabolize fat and cellulite and promote healthy skin.
Benefits of Cupping Therapy:
- boost circulation of blood and lymph
- relieve tension
- flush swelling & toxins out
- firm the skin
- stimulate the body’s healing response

Cupping Therapy for Home Care
Cupping Therapy for Home Care for are available to purchase from Tina as well.
Benefits of Cupping Therapy at Home:
- relieve tension in shoulders and neck
- recrease ache in low back and hips
- speed healing in specific areas, such as knees, calves or legs
- promote circulation and detoxification
- revitalize your system
- support your health
Contact Tina here to purchase your Cupping Therapy set and receive a personalized tutorial of how to best use massage cups for your health and self-care.
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